By Phoebe
Hi I'm Phoebe, 25 years old and obsessed with all things that has to do with beauty. I'm a hairdresser by profession and also graduated as a beautician. Making people feel beautiful is my passion. 2020 was a very special year, 2021 continued in this situation ...A situation where we could not go to the hairdresser or eyelash stylist, everyone was looking for a solution to keep feeling beautiful and well-groomed. I was also looking for solutions to keep making my customers feel good and also to keep feeling beautiful and cared for. During the lockdown the idea arose to offer a solution for everyone who wore eyelash extensions or everyone who wants beautiful full eyelashes. It is also a good solution for people who don’t want to spend time or money on eyelash extensions, for people who want to see their completely natural self again after a day out. With ‘Lashic’ this is possible! Dress up, make up, feel confident all day long, but come home and put your lashes back nicely and feel natural again.Our lashes are designed with a lot of love and to feel like a real babe.💕
Love ,Phoebe - LASHIC.🤍